5 Unknown Waterfalls in Greece

Mainland Greece

Who said Greece is only for diving in the sea? 5 unknown continental waterfalls welcome us in their natural “pools”. Waterfalls are one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring sites in the world. In this article, we’ll highlight 5 unknown waterfalls in Greece.

Pic by sofia_tzianoglou (IG Handle)

Neda Waterfall by sofia_tzianoglou (IG Handle)


Neda WaterfallPeloponnese

Bridges and waterfalls, watermills and watermills, rich vegetation, caves, narrow passages, and lakes with crystal clear waters. To enjoy Neda in all its glory you will need to hike quite a bit, as the crossing of its canyon usually takes two days, requires good physical condition, and is done with companions. But you can enjoy a part of it, the most beautiful, much easier: Go down from the village of Figalia to the stone bridge, walk west for 15 minutes and gradually you will reach the two waterfalls and their lakes, through wooden bridges and an easy path. Take a deep breath and dive into the green waters without a second thought!

Once you reach your destination make sure that you follow all necessary safety guidelines before hiking toward these spectacular waterfalls! Once there make sure to enjoy some delicious local food and drink with your friends and family because this place deserves only the best!

Pic by denis_du (IG Handle)

Orlias Waterfall by denis_du (IG Handle)


Orlias WaterfallOlympus

Olympus is not limited to high peaks and alpine plateaus. At the foot of the highest mountain in Greece, verdant gorges and flowing waters create equally charming scenery, accessible to more visitors. The stream of Orlia, in the area of the village of Vrontos, forms incredible waterfalls and platforms for swimming. To the first waterfall, you will need to walk only 10 minutes from the chapel of Agios Konstantinos, while if you want something more impressive, continue your path along the ravine for an hour to the Red Rock with the big waterfall. The daring dives in the extremely icy waters, under a mountain where the 12 gods of Greek mythology lived, will make you feel… immortal!

Once at Orlias Waterfalls, be sure to explore all around—there are many rock formations to climb on and waterfalls to see!

To get back home again: take your car back north towards Amphilochos until you see signs for Nymfeia and then follow them east along Kastoria Road until they turn into Arahova Road. From here continue north until reaching Ioaninon Street which will take you back into Ioannina City.

Theodoriana Waterfall by Lena Trypa

Theodoriana Waterfall by Lena Trypa (IG Handle)


Theodoriana Waterfall – Epirus

In the village of Theodoriana in Tzoumerka, water runs from everywhere, even from the concrete parapets of the road! More than 50 springs exist in the surrounding mountains. In addition, you can drink without fear from wherever you want. In these waters, which are bottled under the Kostilata brand, you can swim in two places. The famous waterfalls of Souda (15 minutes walk from the end of the village) flow rapidly from a height of 25 meters even in summer. A large pedestal is not formed, but you will still have the opportunity to enjoy a unique shower. In the opposite direction, just before the entrance to the village, the path leading to the Markos stream requires a 40-minute hike and ends at successive ponds where you can spend the whole day in the coolness taking delightful dips.


Iliochori Waterfall by Vangelis Exarchos

Iliochori Waterfall by Vangelis Exarchos (IG Handle)


Iliochori WaterfallZagori

In the area of Zagori, in Epirus, below the village of Iliochori, follow the signs to the Balta di Striga waterfalls with their green waters. The name is Slavic and means “lake of the cry”. From the cry made – according to the local legend – by a person who fell there. Today the cries that can be heard are only of joy from the visitors who dive into the icy waters. There are three waterfalls, the largest one reaching 20 meters. A wooden platform has been set up in the area for easy access. Furthermore, you will find picnic benches and life jackets. To reach it, you will descend for about 30 minutes, a paved path. The return, however, is much more difficult due to the steep slope.

Karavoma Waterfall by atsiakalos

Karavoma Waterfall by atsiakalos (IG Handle)


Karavoma WaterfallThessaly

The mythical mountain of the Centaurs in the summer is very popular. Thanks to its beaches washed by the Aegean Sea. At the same time, in the mountains, and in the dense forests, connoisseurs of the area enjoy nature and peace, far from the crowds. One of the most beautiful trails starts from the village of Chania and ends after nine kilometers in the village of Makryrachi. Passing by three locations with waterfalls and platforms for swimming. But if you don’t want to walk that far, there is an alternative. You can approach the pedestals in the Karavoma area, from the dirt road near the Zagora – Makryrachi intersection. You will only need to walk 15 minutes through the apple trees to the large lake. The area is famous for its apple trees! Hang your hammock in the trees and enjoy the incredible scenery.


These are just some of the beautiful waterfalls you can see in Greece. There are many others that we didn’t mention, so make sure to email us your request so we can plan your Greece Adventure at [email protected].

Feature Image by @chrisorlis (IG Handle)

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